delivering smarter products and systems to industry
We engaged with industry for the design and delivery of our training programme. This was an opportunity to establish a strong foundation upon which to build industrially relevant impact and high quality PhD training.
We contributed to a diverse range of industrial sectors in several ways:
- CDT-EI delivered to industry graduates of breadth in both technical and commercial experience with excellence in their individual chosen fields of research. These researchers were members of the community of practice of the UK's Embedded Entelligence practitioners, technologists and business leaders in this field;
- Our application-led research elements impacted across a diverse range of sectors. Our co-sponsoring Industrial partners included companies across the entire supply chain, design, manufacturing and service companies;
- The research outcomes in the point-technology solutions and applications-related activities from our researchers benefitted our industrial collaborators directly, by increased yield, performance, resilience and novel solutions for the products and processes that the researchers worked on during their studies.