- The development of on-demand intelligent product lifecycle service systems;
Effective specification, design and creation of the complete service system, including:
- Service Foundations (e.g., dynamically reconfigurable architectures, data and process integration and sematic enhanced service discovery);
- Service Composition (e.g. composability analyses, dynamic and adaptive processes, quality of service compositions, business driven compositions);
- Service Management and Monitoring (e.g. self: configuring, adapting, optimising etc.)
- Service Design and Development (e.g. engineering of business services, versioning and adaptivity, governance across supply chains);
- Understanding service and lifecycle requirements with technological infrastructures to support integration and co-operation of components and services.
- Optimisation of the services to enable improved efficiency across the product lifecycle, entailing better resource utilisation, increased productivity and reusability, improved product quality and reliability and maintainability, prolonged service life, and decreased costs.