Companies and training organisations engaged with and supported the Centre’s research activity and expertise via several levels of engagement: from in-kind contributions to training through to specific project creation and student co-sponsorship.

Industrialists also engaged with the Centre at a strategic level sitting on the Industry Advisory Panel providing direction to the Centre’s research activity.

The Centre ran annual events providing an excellent opportunity for the companies to network with researchers and academics involved with these emerging technologies.

partner details

Industrial partners were involved in the Centre via the following activities:

Research Projects

Individual 4-year PhD projects led by academic supervisors with the strong involvement of industrial partners.

Financial contribution towards studentship, staff time to ensure PhD research meets needs and expectations.

Group Projects

Each new cohort in year 1 took part in three substantive, self-contained projects, each over a 12 week period and led by industry in any area of Embedded Intelligence that the company requested. The host industrial 'customer' supervised the students, with the assistance of an academic supervisor.

The customer company provided supervisory costs, consumables and any essential on-the-factory floor training.

'Foresight' talks

Specialist keynote sessions, seminars or workshops featuring a topic relevant to Embedded Intelligence and delivered by Industry

Staff time, travel costs

Advisory Committee

Periodic review of relevance and strategic advice to the Centre.

Staff time, travel costs

Sponsorship opportunities

The centre welcomed miscellaneous items of industrial support in the form of sponsored careers events, mentoring & coaching sessions for our researchers, training in IP and comercialisation, equipment donations or leases, company visits and 'Away Days', co-sponsored events at the Annual Summer Schools, etc. 

key contact

CDT Office

Tel: +44 (0)1509 227 518
Wolfson School
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire
LE11 3TU
United Kingdom