CDT-EI Colloquium
30 November 2016
On 24 November we held our first Colloquium at Heriot-Watt University. We were delighted to have Alun Morgan, the current Chairperson of EIPC, deliver the keynote address. Alun's presentation focussed on the automotive industry and the development of electronics past, present and future. Following the keynote a number of our students presented their research.
Adrian Ayastuy Rodriguez “opportunities of Embedded Intelligence in Livestock Production"
Melanie Zimmer “Energy optimisation for industry 4.0 – an artificial intelligence approach”
Mohamed Taher “Driverless Cars: Are we there yet? Enhancing safety in cars of the future"
Ruben Kruiper “Computer-Aided Biomimetics"
Pawel Ladosz “Trajectory Planning for Communication Relay Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Urban Dynamic Environments"
The event concluded with a poster session showcasing the group project work our researchers conduct during the first year of study. Attended by CDT-EI researchers, academics and representatives from our industrial partners the day successfully provided opportunity for attendees to hear about the research being conducted in our Centre and to make new contacts.