On 7th December 2017, the Doctoral College hosted the annual Loughborough University Research Conference (#LboroResConf17) for doctoral researchers, research staff, academic staff and professional service staff. The event provided attendees with an excellent opportunity to network with one another whilst learning more about the vast range of research conducted at Loughborough University and Loughborough University London.

The theme of this year’s University Research Conference was ‘Building Research Excellence'. In total, there were 19 oral presentations, including Cohort 1 researcher Joe Holt, and 41 poster presentations, inlcuding Cohort 2's Gaj Sivayogan and Cohort 3's Marcus Pollard.

Joe Holt has said “I enjoyed the opportunity to present my work to a wide and varied audience. Trying to tailor my presentation to a general audience helped me to distil down the more important points of my research and really focus on the parts that matter.”

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