Undertaking industry-relevant academically-informed PhD research was the primary focus for our researchers.

Our researchers worked across high priority areas of Engineering, Science and Technology such as autonomous complex manufactured products and systems, functional materials with high performance systems, data-to-knowledge solutions (e.g. digital healthcare and digitally connected citizens), and engineering for industry, life and health.

All our researchers had at least one industrial beneficiary for their PhD research (typically their industrial co-sponsor), or a consortium of companies (typically part of a supply chain).

"Being co-sponsored by industry was also a big selling point - not only do you have access to extra resources and expertise, but your work will have real-world commercial importance.” David Czerski, Cohort 2
Programme Phd Research 800

general enquiries contact

Loughborough University

Wolfson School
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire
LE11 3TU
United Kingdom